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1. System certification
The services of certification  including: quality  management  system certification ,environmental management system certification, occupational health and safety management system certification, machinery safety certification, military quality management system certification, CUC product certification mark.
Has thousands of equipment for manufacturing, production, technical services, administrative and other types of enterprises, government agencies, offers a variety of certification services.
Customers distribution throughout the country and Japan and Kazakhstan and other countries.
Covering machinery, metallurgy, mining, engineering machinery, electric power, railway, automotive, aviation, new energy, environmental protection, electrical, textile and clothing, weapons and other professionals.

从江县| 平远县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 武陟县| 册亨县| 聂荣县| 苍梧县| 娄底市| 金寨县| 新乐市| 伊宁县| 开阳县| 长葛市| 加查县| 宁都县| 会泽县| 图们市| 彰化市| 溧水县| 广南县| 兴隆县| 襄城县| 忻城县| 新平| 绍兴市| 郁南县| 韩城市| 于田县| 凉城县| 宁武县| 石楼县| 山东| 宁国市| 江都市| 中阳县| 滦南县| 英吉沙县| 山阴县| 水富县| 沂水县| 乌拉特中旗|